The story of my life?

Well, I'm an observer, and this text is taken from a Facebook quiz "What type of person are you?" and this is the descriptive text about observers. I have not taken the quiz myself but I agree with the text.

Observers want knowledge and they're introverted, inquisitive, understandable and analytical. It's hard for them to handle their feelings, they rather use their head than their heart. Other people can find them cool, distant, businesslike and non-emotional. Actually they are very sensitive, but it's just difficult to express it. They like to be alone to process their emotions. Observers don't like it when others dominate them.

RELATIONSHIPS: You know you cover yourself from the world and you long for contact. You're afraid to open up. You feel attracted to people who give you space, then you can give and take. You choose friends with the same interests.

FIXATION: stinginess

VICE: greed

VIRTUE: detachment

PROFESSIONS: scientist, investigator, inspector, librarian, monk ...


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